Appointment and Offering Update:

We have resumed in-person services with the necessary modifications to make sure our practice remains safe for all. If you are symptomatic or not yet ready to return, we are still offering telemedicine services.


Remote Services for Patients experiencing COVID-19 symptoms

Please do not attempt to schedule in-person treatment if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Stay home, rest, and let us help you from afar for the health and safety of our community!

  • Free telephone consultations are available for patients who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms

  • The consultation will result in an recommended customized Herbal Medicine blend at an additional cost distributed by either contact-free delivery or shipped directly

Select COVID Herbal Phone Consultation at booking.


All Other Remote Services

Each of the following service offerings can be selected as an individual 45-minute session, or combined for up to 90 minutes.

  • Qi Gong (requires Zoom for movement instruction) -or- Guided Meditation (can be conducted by phone)

  • Tailored Dietary, Lifestyle, -and/or- Mental Health Support and Therapies

  • Herbal Consultation and Herbal Medicine shipping or contact-free delivery (for an additional fee)

After your initial service, you can opt for a 3-Session Follow Up Package for either 60- or 90-minutes each.


In-Person Services

We’ve streamlined our flow of service in compliance with recommended COVID-19 precautions and procedures. Watch this short video so you’ll know what to expect before your next appointment!