Astrology & Beyond
Astrology Resources I Enjoy
Kaypacha with the weekly Pele Report through New Paradigm Astrology
The Power Path offers Monthly Forecasts with New & Full Moon Reports
Chani Nichols gives beautiful insight with her horoscopes
The Neurosculpting® Institute
The Neurosculpting® Institute is located right here in Denver, Colorado. Founded by Lisa Wimberger who has created at way to re-pattern the way our brains function by increasing neuroplasticity, decrease stress response of ‘fight, flight or freeze’ and restructure our belief systems via the brain pathways. Check her out as she explains in more depth with what Neurosculpting® along with the many resources such as books, classes, workshops and trainings they provide.
“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”
-George Addair
Moving Through It
When moving through emotions, it is best not to stop in the middle of the process or suppress what comes up. Experience them in their entirety as they are often teaching us more of ourselves. Fear is an elite teacher and as you build healthy relationship to it, shine your light upon its darkness and cultivate an awareness of when it is present, you demystify it and remove its power.
Rupture to Rebuild
When life seems to be crumbling, take the process in stride. This may be a signal as an opportunity to grow. Take stock of what you have and want to keep. Align with your inner truth and choreograph your wants and desires as your blueprint in which you are cultivating. Call upon your trusted allies to support you in your mission. It is never too late to begin a new or practice life a little differently.
“…and then I fell apart and it was the most beautiful moment ever, because right then, I realized I could put the pieces back together the way I wanted them to be.”
“I don’t know how many years on this earth I’ve got left but I’m gonna get real weird with it.”
-Frank Reynolds
Get Weird
Life is long… and too short, it just depends on your perspective! Getting a lens change can really shift the way we operate our daily lives. Shifting patterns. Adapting to the ever changing world around us. We are suggested at a very young age to fit inside a very small box and I believe we are here to grow to our full capacity in whatever shape, size and color we want, even if it means bursting that box wide open.