Stages and Treatment of COVID-19
Over the past few weeks, my fellow practitioners and teachers of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have banded together to be of service to our people. We have been sharing our analyses of case studies about the pathogen so that we can bring traditional herbal medicine treatments to people in need. During these teleconferences, I realized the majority of our population may not be receiving the information Chinese medical doctors are sharing. I want to help widen the pinhole lens of adjunct treatment and share the knowledge that doctors in China have been using to successfully treat their patients since the outbreak began.
Before I get into the perspectives, let me address the urgency of this virus. If you are exhibiting symptoms such as shortness of breath, loss of sense of smell or taste, or other symptoms defined by the CDC, please seek medical attention immediately.
If you are experiencing milder symptoms which may not warrant a visit to an overrun hospital or clinic where resources are scarce, this message comes to you hoping to open up alternative and supportive avenues. The inundation of information can be paralyzing, anxiety-provoking, and even seemingly nonsensical at times. My intention is to let you know that we in the TCM community have the capacity to support you in whatever comes your way!
Eastern Perspective: Treating the Body
TCM has been studied and practiced for 2000+ years with the theory and treatment of warm disease. The eastern treatment methodology is to “treat the body, not the disease” by treating how it’s presenting and the stage in pathology it has manifested with a specific focus on the human host that viruses/pathogens find. The ecology, vitality, and health of the person’s body can reflect what stage the disease presents with through the lineage of past.
There are 4 stages at hand:
Acute infection
I am spending my days learning from teachers and masters to best equip myself with knowledge of the pathogen and how it manifests symptomatically in order to adequately diagnose and also the remedies to prescribe so that I can treat it effectively. These fast-acting formulas are quite literally are bringing people back from the edge by resolving the underlying cause while building the body’s strength back up to thoroughly rid the body of this invasive virus. If you are interested in learning more granular detail about eastern treatments underway, please feel free to peruse the following articles:
In this article, How COVID-19 (2019-CoVi) is Currently Treated in China with TCM, Dr. Chen discusses these stages in depth these stages, diagnoses (both east and west), and treatment.
Another insightful offering from Dr. Subhuti Dharmananda article on Covid-19
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss prevention or, should and once symptoms begin, reach out immediately. As symptoms change stages warrants different medical formulas. As seen in the link above, there is a solution for every phase.
Disclaimer: It is important to bear in mind that the Chinese government has not and will not be making any official recommendations about using Chinese herbs for the treatment and prevention of COVID-19. To be clear, in all countries and regions, individuals with suspected exposure should report to their local health officials and strictly observe strategies that control the spread of the disease. [Click here for the WHO’s Recommendations for Protective Measures.]
Western Perspective: Fighting the Pathogen
We know that COVID-19 has been presenting in many different manifestations and with varying symptomology. This virus is fascinating and sophisticated in this way, especially to virologists, immunologists, and other research scientists who are working to create a vaccine. Historically, scientific labs can take up to 18 months to develop medical vaccines, but we are hearing from scientists across the globe who are making rapid developments and discoveries. Adapting new discoveries of Novel Coronavirus to that of its cousin SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome).
Much like the efforts to put politics aside, I applaud the scientists and immunologists who have been working tirelessly trying to find a cure or medicine and especially the medical workers who are on the front lines of this epidemic. As we integrate and utilize all the tools necessary, this is a [human] team effort!
If you are interested in hearing from some of the scientists on their progress, here are a few videos for you:
Dr. Jacob Glanville Interview: California scientist says his team has discovered a potential COVID-19 cure
Dr. Jacob Glanville Covid 19 antibodies breakthrough made in San Francisco
Dr. Peter Hotez Peter Hotez - Developing a vaccine for COVID-19
Dr. Peter Hotez Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ with Dr. Peter Hotez