Lunar New Year: Yang Metal Rat
It is the Lunar New Year in the East which signifies the inauguration of Spring, this year we welcome Rat to the table. The Yang Metal Rat to be exact, and exacting it might be with the beginning of a new 12-year zodiac calendar. So lucky us that along with a new decade, we have the newness of a 12-year cycle, bringing a fresh, self-starting, and motivated perspective. As we come out of and bid adieu to the yin Earth Pig, thank it for all its lessons and abundance, we welcome new.
Let’s break it down into digestible parts of what the Yang Metal Rat is really bringing to us so we can best resource ourselves in the year to come.
The years alternate between yin and yang annually. A Yang year, such as this one, brings with it qualities like being action-oriented, assertive, hardworking, and brightness. I think of growth and expansion in dynamic ways, when unchecked they can be aggressive. Luckily, Rat is peaceful and Metal is integral so, this combination should prove to foster a steadfast year.
Properties of Metal Energy
These qualities and attributes give a sense of what energy will aid us in making this a prosperous year:
Strong, rigid, and has great boundaries
Integrity and behaving properly by a code of virtues with courage, bravery, and by taking the high road
Cuts like a sword
Metal’s sword-like properties invite us to be meticulous, clearly cutting away what is unhelpful and what serves no purpose
Ambition and practicality
As new horizons start to take shape, be pragmatic and don’t overload the plate
Order and function for beauty’s sake
This year, you may find yourself tending to rearrange your world in beautiful ways; enjoying its aesthetics as well as its efficiencies
Order does not exclusively mean organization, for example, think of arranging a bookshelf by cover color or book size, rather than alphabetically
Our new furry friend, welcome Rat!
The Rat in Eastern Culture
Having a fat rat come to the table is considered good fortune, peace, and abundance.
The Rat in Western Culture
We tend to exterminate rats because we know where there are rats, there are usually messes being tended.
Beyond Perception
Rats can find a meal anywhere and are joyous, social creatures.
Rats are not afraid to get down and dirty, they are resourceful and overjoyed to cleverly find a solution to the issue at hand.
Along with hard work, rats are social, love to play, are family-focused, and procreate rapidly.
How This May Impact Your Year
This will play into the year ahead as you may find yourself in times where you need to call on your inner resources to problem solve. So, call on Rat to be an ally in your mission!
Play with creative energy - you will be surprised to see how rapidly you create, just like Rat!
This is a great year for fertility, in whatever you may find yourself creating. Generate newness in your business projects, in your relationship, and within your home.
It is foretold that this year is harmonious in health. Consider the following as you move through the year:
Exercise naturally, not too strenuously, adjust to what feels good.
Sleep well and often (yay, sleep!) - deep restful nights await and might be easier to achieve than in years past.
Eat and nourish deeply with warm foods, stews, and soups as is always advised, especially in the cold season.
Check it out:
Visit Lillian Bridges’ Food Blog for fun and lucky foods for CNY! Chinese recipes always have deeper food energetics so, if you are interested, POB offers food consultations to best address your constitutional dietary needs.
Bringing it all together
It will be a dynamic year with lots of changes; deeper psychological shifts are at play. If you are going deep into those waters get support from good friends, therapists, acupuncturist, etc. We are stronger when we join together and people who care make a difference. Be certain to find resources for yourself if you are playing the supportive role. We are moving through an extreme shift on our planet and, with the winds of adversity, we need to stay awake to the happenings and take care of ourselves.
If you find yourself reacting without thinking, come back to a centered place. Focus on your intent, your ‘why’, then act with purpose and reflect upon your feelings afterward. Gaining mastery over your mind will prove a worthy endeavor for years to come and it is a practice you should commit to. Qi gong, meditation, yoga nidra, and walking in nature all support this aspect of mind and spirit.
With all that work on the horizon, make sure to celebrate and socialize with those who support and bring joy to your life. With the metals boundary, you may have a need for alone time and to feel freedom. Getting laser-focused on what you require to care for yourself may feel foreign, uncomfortable, or even disappointing at times, but learn to trust yourself and your needs. With the newness, you may find new things about yourself that call from your highest self. Pay attention and move from that place of integrity. Trust yourself, trust your sword. Your intuition is getting stronger, heed the call.
It is going to be a bountiful year of clarity and I wish you all the very best!